Recommendations for cleaning hand-knotted carpets
Hand knotted carpets require special maintenance and cleaning processes. If you follow them, it will serve you for decades, retain its beautiful colors and not lose its value.

The advantage of Persian carpets is that it is very difficult for dirt to penetrate them. This is due to several factors. Quality Persian carpets often combine sheep's wool with silk and the carpets have a thick pile. It is the natural wool itself that can resist dirt. In fact, wool fibers naturally contain fat, which acts as a repellent against dirt. The best quality carpets are made using wool from sheep in high mountain areas, which naturally protects the animals from bad weather, be it rain, wind or frost. Such wool contains protective substances (e.g. lanolin) in higher concentrations that is why carpets made from this wool are among the most durable.
If you had an accident and spilled something on your carpet, don't worry. Just react quickly. If you spilled water on the carpet, dry it immediately with a dry, soft cloth or paper towels - don't let the water soak into the carpet, it could dissolve the clogged dirt inside, which can change the colour of the carpet. Never rub the carpet when drying. Red wine is not a disaster either, it will also soak in slowly due to the oily fibers. When wine spills, dry it with a cloth. Persian wool carpets are also popular for their resistance to fire. They are therefore often laid in front of the fireplace. If sparks fall on the carpet, it won't catch fire. The spark strikes the area where the sparks fall, just brush it off lightly.

Each stain requires different solutions to clean it, generally proceed by dipping a brush into the solution and gently scrubbing along the direction of the pile. Work from the edge of the stain to the center to avoid spreading the stain over a larger area. Clean the spot one last time with clean water and dry. The carpet can be vacuumed after that.
Oil, milk, fat, honey, chocolate, cocoa, tea, fruit, ink
- a solution of warm water and soap works
beer, wine, alcoholic beverages
- water and alcohol solution
- cold water with soap is essential
- iron over absorbent paper
Detergents and stain removers can also be used for cleaning, they must be designed for natural sheep's wool fibers. Be careful that they are not chemical based, such can remove the protective substance lanolin and dry out the fibers. In addition, chemicals can discolor carpets. You can substitute professional cleaners with deer soap.
Home cleaning with dry foam: At home, you can also try dry foam cleaning of Persian carpets. It is important to use genuine Persian wool carpet cleaning products, these are chemical free and will ensure that you clean the carpet gently and not ruin it.

Frequently used Persian carpets should be cleaned once a year. It is possible to use a professional dry cleaner, but you can also try another great feature of Persian carpets - the possibility to completely clean them with freshly fallen snow. Snow is a substance that not only cleans the landscape, acts as insulation and a "blanket" in the fields, but also, thanks to its composition and properties, is perfect for cleaning carpets. The process is simple and 100% environmentally friendly. It is not suitable for carpets laid all over or glued down, snow is instead suitable for piece carpets, domestic or oriental, common and rare. How to do it?
Step 1: Smaller carpets, handmade, modern, woolen and all those where wet cleaning is safely used are most suitable. Large carpets present a problem, particularly because of handling.
Step 2: Fresh snow, i.e., snow that is not melted, and is dry and frozen, is ideal for snow cleaning. The outside temperature is also important; the thermometer should ideally read -4 to -6 degrees Celsius. Vacuum the carpet at home first, then take it outside and lay it pile down in the snow. Leave it there for some time (an hour or more) to get used to the temperature outside. Allow it to freeze, after which it can be beaten with a broom to release more dirt and dust. Keep knocking until the dust settles. But the dirt stays inside even after knocking, so that's where the snow comes in.
Step 3: Throw a lighter layer (a few centimeters) of snow on the carpet and leave it for at least 15 minutes. Then we can start to go wild on the carpet - first we walk on it, even stomp and jump, this is how we trample the snow into the fibers. Watch out for dirty shoes. Instead of walking, you can also use a broom. The whole process works so that as we push the snow into the carpet from one side, it pushes out what's inside, i.e. the remaining dirt, grime and dust, from the other side. Finally, we turn the carpet over and clean the other side in the same way. Snow that is melting, icy or deep is very ineffective, so fresh snow should be used. The whole procedure can be repeated several times, perhaps six times, but each time in a place with cleanly attacked powder.
Step 4: After the cleaning, remove the remaining snow from the carpet and throw it over a pole, fence, railing, knocker, etc., and let it hang for at least an hour. The snow will gradually change its state to a gaseous state, which will prevent the carpet from getting wet. Alternatively, it can be left to dry indoors, where it can either be hung on a pole, or it can be rolled up, but very gently so that it remains loose even when rolled up, and placed in a corner. After drying, which can take several hours, lay a clean and snow-scented carpet on the floor.

To keep your featherbed in good condition, it is good to know and follow a few tips:
- - If your carpet is new, it may shed a pile for the first 3 to 4 months. With normal use and maintenance, this will subside.
- - Do not expose the carpet to constant sunlight, color changes may occur.
- - Do not place flower pots on the carpet, water and evaporating moisture will damage the warp of the carpet. Rotate the carpet once a year to prevent uneven wear.
- - Fringes and edges are the most vulnerable, if you find damage, have it repaired immediately.
- - Do not undertake chemical cleaning yourself, even with so-called home remedies (sauerkraut, etc.), unprofessional treatment will not only stain and damage the carpet deeply, but will also strip it of its natural grease and therefore its ability to repel dirt.
- - Entrust the chemical cleaning of your carpet to experts who can guarantee color fastness and a gentle and thorough cleaning.
- - If you have moths in your home, frequent ventilation and movement of the carpet is an effective defense. Moths are afraid of light, they like dampness and can't tolerate cold or extreme heat, while moth eggs need quiet to develop.
- - If you need to store the carpet, roll it up with the pile inside and wrap it tightly.
- - Place the newly purchased carpet in a dry, flat place
- - Normal maintenance of Persian carpets means light vacuuming once a week, essentially along the direction of the pile. Do not use vacuum cleaners with rotary brushes, as these tear the fiber.
- - Ventilate, clean routinely.
- - Do not use cleaning agents that have degreasing or bleaching effects.
- - Differences in color and appearance are a sign of the authenticity and originality of each carpet.
- - Have it cleaned once a year by professionals or freshly fallen snow.